Other Services


Refinishing and painting cabinets is a specialty that we love. Removal of the cabinets, preparation of the surfaces, painting and reinstallation requires patience, attention to detail and skill that many painters do not have. We will work with you to refinish and paint your existing cabinets to make them look as good as new…or even better

Pool Decking

The harsh Arizona summers and sometimes cool winter nights can be really tough on pool decks. Small cracks in the

decking can become a real problem if water gets into the cracks and freezes and expands plus, original finishes eventually wear off and the decking and pool area look old and worn. We are expert at repairing and refinishing pool decks and can bring your weathered surfaces back to looking new and adding that refreshed look to your pool.

Garage Floors

Looking to bring a new and finished look to your garage floor? Untreated concreate floorings not only look dirty, but are really difficult to clean and keep looking fresh. We specialize in all types of floor finishes…from Polyaspartic Floor Coatings, various Epoxies in virtually any color and texture, to concrete sealers. We have solutions to fit any budget.

Fences, Walls, and Gates

From concreate block, to stucco walls, to wooden and metal fences we have you covered. Keeping your fences, walls and gates looking fresh and clean is not only visually appealing, it helps them last longer while looking great